Loneliness, Lack of Social and Emotional Support, and Mental Health Issues


What is already known about this topic?

Loneliness and lack of social connection are widespread and pose a threat to mental and physical health.

What is added by this report?

In 2022, the prevalence of feeling lonely always, usually, or sometimes among adults in 26 U.S. states was highest for bisexual (56.7%) and transgender persons (range = 56.4%–63.9%); these groups also reported the highest prevalence of stress, frequent mental distress, and history of depression (range = 34.3%–67.2%). Prevalence of lack of social and emotional support was elevated among transgender adults.

What are the implications for public health practice?

Addressing the threat to mental health among sexual and gender minority groups should include consideration of loneliness and lack of social and emotional support.

Read the entire report here

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