NAMPA - An award-winning documentary that tackles behavioral health issues in children and teens is coming to Idaho to educate the community on the topic.
Optum Idaho, the Idaho Children's Trust Fund, The Speedy Foundation and the Idaho Federation of Families worked together to bring in the free screening of "Paper Tigers."
The film follows the lives of some struggling high school students attending an alternative school in Walla Walla, Washington. While they were there the school changed the way it disciplined the students' behaviors by taking a more positive approach.
The documentary also provides insight into how traumatic childhood experiences can impact someone's adult life. That's why event organizers say they want to start a conversation and educate people to make a change.
"It takes a system to make change, to make positive change," Optum Idaho's executive director Georganne Benjamin said. "The positive response from the community really shows that people want to improve, want to do things differently and better."
Wednesday's screening of "Paper Tigers" is at 6:30 p.m at the Nampa Civic Center.