Missing You - Survivor of Suicide Loss
Missing You - Survivor of Suicide Loss
Survivor of Suicide Loss
Our care kits are currently out of stock - orders will be fulfilled by the end of November as soon as we are able to generate more materials. Thank you for your patience.
Losing a loved one to suicide can be devastating and having the words to comfort can be hard to find. Grief from a suicide loss is unique and complicated. People may experience intense feelings of shock, despair, fear, anger, relief, guilt, or shame. This care kit has been curated to help support and navigate this emotional time.
Enclosed in this gift box you will find:
- Letter to the Survivor, Survivor’s Bill of Rights, Poems, and Articles
- Resources for Suicide Loss Survivors, SOS Handbook, After a Suicide
- doTERRA Essential Oil
- Candle, Chamomile Tea, and 988 Pin
- Strategies for Resilience
- Forget Me Not seeds
- Journal and Pen
For Families With Young Children
In addition to the items above, this kit includes the following books:
- "Children, Teens, and Suicide Loss"
- Sesame Street's "Helping Kids Grieve" Kit
For Parents
In addition to the items above, this kit includes the following books:
- Solace Cards